Ex Oriente Lux 2018
Литература стран Азии и Африки Ex Oriente Lux 19 Долгоаршинная Александра Вячеславовна Санкт-Петербургский Государственный университет, Восточный факультет Zero chronotopes in contemporary Indonesian literature In contemporary literature studies the term «chronotope,» first introduced by Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin, is understood as the unity of time and space and the way reality is depicted in fiction. Several sub-categories of chronotopes exist. These categories are defined by the way that time and space behave within the constituent chronotopes and how that behavior affects the plot and characters. Dozens of chronotopes might exist within a single category, distinguished by the emotional mood, freedom of movement, pace of life, and range of possible events characteristic of a particular setting. One relatively novel category of chrono- topes includes the «zero chronotopes.» Time and space within the zero chronotopes form a motionless state where spaciotemporal relationships are either non-existent or irrelevant. The category of zero chronotopes includes the chronotope of eternity, the chronotope of twilight, the chronotope of a dream, and the chronotope of a written letter. Though the cause and context of each of these chronotopes might vary, they are unified in their potential to create surreal or fantastic situations within a more concrete and linear setting. Though zero chronotopes have been analyzed in the context of Western litera- ture, little attention has been given to their existence and use in Eastern literature. This presentation identifies zero chronotopes, specifically in contemporary Indone- sian literature, focusing on their characteristics and impact on plot and mood. This identification, analysis, and characterization represents a novel application of the paradigm of chronotopes with the intention of enabling future study, particularly in regards to cultural differences in the way time and space are depicted and ex perienced. Керимов Рафик Рафиг оглы Санкт-Петербургский Государственный университет, Восточный факультет К вопросу о «Записках отшельника» Данный доклад посвящен литературному памятнику Вьетнама «Записки отшельника», авторство которого не установлено. Однако опираясь на не- которые фразы из различных источников, мы можем предположить в какой исторический период автор памятника жил и работал — это последняя чет- верть XVIII и первая четверть XIX веков. Аналогично с помощью нахождения