Ex Oriente Lux 2019: Сборник избранных статей

Ex oriente lux 143 На английском языке: 1. Alexa Huang. ―WhatCountry, Friends, Is This? ‖: Touring Shakespeares, Agency, and Effica- cy in Theatre Historiography.//Theatre Survey. — Cambridge University Press, 2013. — Vol- ume 54. Issue 01, January. 2. Jeon Kyung-wook. Traditional Performing Arts of Korea. — Seoul.: The Korea Foundation, 2008. — 159 p. 3. Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr., Siyuan Liu, Erin B. Mee. Modern Asian Theatre and Performance 1900-2000. — Bloomsbury, 2014. — 320 p. 4. Kim Jinhee. Korean Drama under Japanese Occupation: plays by Ch‘i-jin Yu and Mansik Ch‘ae / Translated with an introduction by Jinhee Kim. — U.S.A.: 2004. — 178 p. 5. Kim Mido. Originality and Modernity of Korean Theatre: A Study on Oh Tae-suk‘s Dramas // Korea Journal, Vol.37. N.3 Autumn. — Republic of Korea, 1997. — 240 p. 6. Kwon Kyounghye. Shifting South Korean Theatre: Jo-Yeol Park‘s A Dialogue Between Two Long-necked People and Taesuk Oh‘s Chunpung‘s Wife // Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. — University of Kansas, 2009. —Vol. 23, N 2. — 146 p. 7. Oh T‘ae-sok, Kim Ah-jeong and R.B.Graves. The Metacultural Theatre of Oh T‘ae-sok: Five Plays from The Korean Avant-Garde / translated by Ah-jeong Kim and R.B.Graves. — U.S.A.: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1999. — 164 p. 8. Re-playing Shakespeare in Asia. Edited by Poonam Trivedi and Minami Ryuta. — New York and Abingdon.: Routledge, 2010. — 343 p. 9. Shakespeare‘s World/World Shakespeares: The Selected Proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Edited by Richard Fotheringham, Christa Jansohn, R. S. White. — Brisbane: University of Delware Press, 2006. — 436 p.