Ex Oriente Lux 2021

28 Каменецкая Анна Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме, Кафедра арабского языка и литературы КАК СЛЫШИТСЯ, ТАК И ПИШЕТСЯ? — ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПИСЬМЕННОЙ ПЕРЕДАЧИ ПАЛЕСТИНСКИХ ДИАЛЕКТОВ АРАБСКОГО ЯЗЫКА НА ПРИМЕРЕ СБОРНИКА НАРОДНЫХ СКАЗОК ’ŪL YĀ ṬĒR This report seeks to highlight linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects of the anthol- ogy of Palestinian folktales “Speak, Bird: Texts and Studies in Palestinian Folk Ta- les” published in Arabic in 2003. The texts were collected by Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana. The collection consists of 45 stories by 17 Palestinian narrators from ten localities. The stories were narrated and written down in the dialects of Palestinian Arabic. Unlike the common practice in Western studies, where the dia- lects are rendered in phonemic transcription, the texts in the book are given in Arabic script. Several folklore studies make reference to the book, but it has not received a linguistic description yet. My study analyses the book and its texts from the three aspects: linguistic, soci- olinguistic and folkloristic. The linguistic discussion shows which features of the dialects are represented in the written text, and which are not. While the syntactic and morphological features were transferred to the corpus, the authors did not in- clude certain phonetic features in their text not to make it difficult for their readers. As a social and cultural phenomenon, the book shows that the Arabic-speaking space is a whole spectrum in which dialects and Standard Arabic interchange. It ap- pears that the authors’ orthographic choices were not necessarily influenced by ex- tra-linguistic factors. The stylistic features of the narratives highlight their oral na- ture. The content of the stories represents Palestinian rural culture and correlate with other peoples’ popular literature. The authors strived to retain each speaker’s per- sonal style. No interplay of religion and supernatural forces is noteworthy: the pro- tagonists do not invoke God to rescue them when in trouble.